Cholent (solet) 1.

Cholent, sólet, shalet


A Cholent, (csólent, schalet, salet, sólet) is a traditional East European Jewish slow cooked sabbath stew.

Cholent (solet) 1.


1 kg white bean
1 kg smoked meat
2 large onions (chopped)
5 cloves of garlic
1 tablespoon paprika
2 spoonful of goose fat
3 bay leaves, salt


1. Soak the beans and the meat at the previous night.
2. Put all of the ingredients into a large fireproof jar.
3. Add water and salt only if necessary, do it, which depends on the meat.
4. Enough water to to cover it.
5. Boiled over very low heat cook for 3-4 hours.
6. This can be done in oven, or stove flame as well.

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Cook in csolent 3-4 washed eggs.

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