Tea sandwiches, canapés

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Tea sandwiches



  • Canapés for two
  • Canapés for Valentine's day
  • Canapés with cheese
  • Canapés with fish, caviar and crabs
  • Canapés with meat
  • Canapés with steak tartare
  • Canapés with vegetables
  • Christmas canapés
  • Country flag canapés
  • Easter canapés
  • Other recipes
  • Roasts for canapés
  • Sandwich recipes
  • Sandwich recipes for children
  • Soldiers
  • Spread recipes

  • Canapés with fish, caviar and crabs

    home Canapés with double salmon roulade
    home Canapés with smoked salmon
    home Crab canapés 1
    home Valentine caviar canapes
    home Valentine bites with prawns

    .. more fish recipes .. home


    home Sausage soldiers

    Spread recipes

    home Eggplant spread 1.
    home Jewish duck fat
    home Jewish goose fat
    home Köpolu (turkish eggplant spread)
    home Liver paté 1.
    home Hungarian cheese spread (Körözött)
    home Caviarbutter
    home Basilbutter
    home Oreganobutter

    Canapés with steak tartare

    home Steak tartare
    home Canapes with steak tartare

    .. more appetizers .. home

    Easter canapés

    home Easter canapés

    . more easter recipes home . Cold egg recipes . home

    Canapés for Valentine's day

    home Valentine cheese canapes
    home Valentine crab canapes
    home Valentine biplane
    home Valentine caviar canapes
    home Valentine-tower
    home Valentine toasted bread

    .. more Valentine recipes .. home

    Canapés for two

    home Sponge fingers canapés for two
    home Sponge fingers canapés for two 2.
    home Sponge fingers canapés for two 3.
    home Sponge fingers canapés for two 4.

    .. more Valentine recipes .. home

    Roasts for canapés

    home Cold chicken breast (natural)
    home Cold chicken breast (paprika)
    home Cold chicken breast (parsley)
    home Roasted tenderloin

    .. more meat recipes .. home

    Sandwich recipes for children


    home Cat head sandwich with caviar
    home Cat head sandwich with salmon
    home Cat head sandwich with cheese and ham
    home Face sandwich

    .. more recipes for children .. home

    Country flag canapés

    home Hungarian flag canapés
    home Italian flag canapés

    .. more recipes for children .. home

    Other recipe sites

    home   Appetizers
    home   Barbecue & grill
    home   Canapes
    home   Christmas recipes
    home   Cold eggs
    home   Decoration
    home   Dishes in cauldron
    home   Easter recipes
    home   Hungarian soups
    home   Famous Hungarian recipes 2.
    home   Hot appetizers
    home   How to cook for children
    home   Hungarian fish soups
    home   Jewish recipes
    home   Pancake recipes
    home   Pigkilling recipes
    home   Pörkölt (Hungarian stew) recipes
    home   Preserving recipes
    home   Sandwich recipes
    home   Sausage recipes
    home   Strudel recipes
    home   Sweet (Cakes & co.)
    home   Valentines day recipes

    Decorating elements

    home Carrot shapes
    home Cheese horse
    home Jewish carrot star
    home Mushroom slices
    home Mediterranean citrus fruits

    home Onion slices

    .. decorating ideas .. home

    Hungarian feeling


    Canapés with cheese

    home Cheese canapes
    home Cheese canapes 2.
    home Canapés with green olives and mozzarella

    Canapés with vegetables

    home Canapes with pesto

    Canapés with meat

    home Canapes with goose liver
    home Canapés with pörkölt
    home Canapés with sausage (Kolbászos partyfalatka)
    home Canapés with tripes
    home Chicken liver crostini (Crostini di fegatini)
    home Party bites with salami
    home Tenderloin-cone canapes

    Christmas canapés

    home Christmas bites 1.
    home Christmas bites 2.
    home Christmas bites 3.
    home Christmas party bites

    .. more Christmas recipes .. home

    Sandwich recipes

    home Butterbrot
    home Bread and dripping
    home Bread and dripping 2.
    home Cheese sandwich
    home Face sandwich
    home Valentine toasted bread
    home Closed sandwich with Hungarian paprika salami

    .. more sandwich recipes .. home

    New Year's Eve in Hungary

    home New Year's Eve in Hungary
    home New Year's Eve in Hungary 2.
    home New Year's Eve in Hungary 3.
    home New Year's Eve in Hungary 4.
    home New Year's Eve in Hungary 5.
    home New Year's Eve in Hungary 6.
    home New Year's Eve in Hungary 7.
    home New Year's Eve in Hungary 8.
    home New Year's Eve in Hungary 9.

    Jókai bean soup cooking festival (Balatonfüred)

    home Bean soup in cauldron 1.
    home Bean soup in cauldron 2.
    home Bean soup in cauldron 3.
    home Bean soup in cauldron 4.
    home Bean soup in cauldron 5.
    home Bean soup in cauldron 6.
    home Festival feeling 1.
    home Festival feeling 2.

    1 st Hungarian Fat & crackling festival (2013)

    home Liverwurst (májas hurka)
    home How we make pork crackling 1
    home Hungarian Fat & crackling festival
    home Hungarian Fat & crackling festival
    home Hungarian Fat & crackling festival
    home Hungarian Fat & crackling festival
    home Hungarian Fat & crackling festival
    home Hungarian Fat & crackling festival

    Lecsó festival (Balatonkenese)

    home Church blessing
    home Lecso in cauldron 1
    home Lecso in cauldron 2
    home Lecso in cauldron 3
    home Lecso in cauldron 4
    home Lecso in cauldron 5
    home Lecso in cauldron 4
    home Lecso in cauldron 5

    Pike-perch festival (Süllõfesztivál)

    home Peakperch (Sander lucioperca)
    home Pike-perch festival
    home Pike-perch festival
    home Pike-perch festival
    home Pike-perch festival
    home Pike-perch festival
    home Pike-perch festival
    home Pike-perch festival

    Rural life in Hungary

    home Pig & piglets
    home Pig & piglets
    home Goats
    home Sheep
    home Chicken
    home Rabbits
    home Sheep
    home Cows and calvs

    Pigkilling in Hungary

    home Pigkilling in Hungary
    home Pigkilling in Hungary
    home Pigkilling in Hungary
    home Pigkilling in Hungary
    home Pigkilling in Hungary
    home Pigkilling in Hungary
    home Pigkilling in Hungary
    home Pigkilling in Hungary

    Holiday recipes

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    home Italy
    home Hungary
    home Turkey
    home Bulgaria
    home Croatia & former Yugoslavia home   Salad recipes
    home   Decoration
    home   Basic recipes

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    All recipes in ABC order