Cheese strudel (Túrós rétes)

Strudel and pancakes


Cheese strudel (Túrós rétes)


Strudel dough
300 g curd cheese
50 g raisins
3 eggs
2 tbsp milk
50 g powdered sugar
80 g fat


1. Combine the sugar, beaten eggs, curd cheese, milk and raisins.
2. When the dough has been pulled out thin enough, sprinkle it with melted fat or vegetable oil.
3. Sprinkle the phillo with the cheese filling.
4. Roll up, put into greased tin, and bake in moderate oven.

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Make it with savory filling.

Strudel dough recipes

home Strudel dough 1. (Rétestészta)
home Strudel dough 2. (Rétestészta)

More strudel recipes

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home Poppyseed strudel (Mákos rétes)
home Walnut strudel (Diós rétes)

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Strudel filling recipes

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