Pancake a la Csesznek
12 salty pancakes fried in advance
300 g Mushroom paprikas (Gombapaprikás)
500 ml sour cream
hot pepper (paprika) rings
1. Mince the mushrooms from the mushroom paprikas and mix with 2 tablespoons of sour sauce.
2. Boil the sauce of the mushroom paprikas with the remaining sour cream.
3. Fill the pancakes with the mushroom paprikas filling, tucking in the ends.
4. Arrange in an ovenproof pan and poor the spicy sauce over the pancakes.
5. Heat through in the oven, sprinkle with sour cream.
Decorate with sour cream and hot paprika rings.
Pancake dough recipes
Pancake dough 1. (Palacsintatészta)
Pancake dough 2. (Palacsintatészta)
Pancake dough 3. (Paprikás palacsintatészta)
More pancake recipes
Chocolate pancakes (Kakaós palacsinta)
Gundel pancakes (Gundel palacsinta)
Pancake with apricot jam (Lekváros palacsinta)
Pancakes with curd (Túrós palacsinta)
Pancakes with hazelnut cream filling
Walnut pancakes (Diós palacsinta)
Rich man's soup
Cabbage filling
Walnut filling
Pancake a la Hortobágy
Pancake a la Csesznek
Pancakes with cabbage filling coming soon
Kaiser schmarren 1 (Császármorzsa, smarni)
Kaiser schmarren 2 (Császármorzsa, smarni)
Kaiser schmarren Vienna style (Bécsi császármorzsa)
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We wish You Good Cooking and enjoy the tasty result!