Rich man's soup

Famous Hungarian soups


Rich man's soup


Salty pancakes (crèpes) fried in advance
liver ball soup.


1. Cook liver ball soup, make sure the balls are small.
2. Place a crèpe in the soup bowl, place 2 liver balls, small carrot pieces and a few peas on it.
3. Use a thread or ribbon to form a money bag shape from the crepe.
4. Count with one money bag per person. Keep them warm or warm them up in the microwave.
5. Your guests get one money bag each, and they add soup for themselves.

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With other fillings.

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home Chicken soup Ujházy style
home Meat soup (húsleves)
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home Hungarian bean soup with smoked ribs
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home Hungarian goulash soup from the pot
home Hungarian potato soup (krumplileves)
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home Rich man's soup
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