Jellied fisherman's soup (Kocsonyázott halászlé)

Famous Hungarian fish recipes


Jellied fisherman's soup (Kocsonyázott halászlé)


2,5 kg fish
1 hot paprika


1. Fillet the fish.
2. Boil the bones in 2,5 l of water, seasoned with onions, a very little garlic, paprika and salt.
3. Boil till the onions go to pieces.
4. Strain the stock into a saucepan, add the fish, cut into ca. 50 g pieces.
5. Boil for ca. 15 minutes. There must not be too much liquid or it will not jelly.
6. Lift out the fish and put the different kinds mixed into dishes.
7. Pour the well seasoned and strained stock over them.
8. Place in the refrigerator to jelly.

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With toasted bread, or baguette.

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