Hungarian bean soup with smoked ribs

Famous Hungarian soups


Hungarian bean soup with smoked ribs


300 g white bean
100 g parsnip
150 g carrot
500 g smoked ribs
3-4 cloves garlic
1 tbsp oil
30 g flour
1/2 tsp Hungarian paprika powder
salt to taste.
For "csipetke" 100 g flour, 1 egg and a pinch of salt.


1. Select beans and soak overnight.
2. Soak smoked ribs overnight.
3. Wash the ribs.
4. Cook ribs, beans in fresh water.
5. After 15 minutes add the parsnip and carrot rings and salt.
6. When tender put the "csipetke" pasta.
7. In a separate pan make a roux with the oil, the flour and the chopped garlic. Dash with paprika powder and add a little water, stirring continuosly.
8. Stir the thickening into the soup.
9. Cook about 10 minutes (when csipetke is tender).
10. Cut the cooked ribs into slices and put it back into the soup.

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Serve with sour cream, crispy fresh bread, vinegar and hot Hungarian paprika.

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