Balaton fisherman's soup 1. (Balatoni halászlé)

Fisherman's soup


Balaton fisherman's soup 1. (Balatoni halászlé)


500 g 500 g small fresh water fish
1 kg carp
200 g onions (finely chopped)
50 g Hungarian paprika (sweet)
30 g salt
1-2 Hungarian hot paprika (cseresznyepaprika)


1. Scale, wash and slice the fish into fillets.
2. In a large pot place the small fish, put in the chopped onion, the paprika and the hot paprika too.
3. Add just enough water (about 3 liter) to cover. Salt and bring to the simmer. 4. Boil the soup about 45 min.

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Serve with fresh bread.

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