Meat filled balls

Famous Hungarian goulash


Meat filled balls


1 kg potatoes
250 g flour
1 tbsp semolina
2 tbsp oil
1 egg
500 g stew/goulash
2 cups of sour cream
1 tbsp flour
1/2 tsp salt


1. Mix it together with the oil, flour, semolina, salt and egg.
2. Spread the dough (approx. .5 cm thick) and cut it up to get 8 cm x 8 cm squares.
3. Take the meat pieces out of the stew and grind them.
4. Put 1/2 tablespoonful of the meat on each dough square, then take the corners of the squares, pull them together, and form a ball shape using your hands.
5. Cook the balls in salted water until they float on the top.
6. Use the gravy from the stew mixed with sour cream, flour and 20ml water to make "paprikash gravy" and pour this over the balls when serving.

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This is my mother-in-law's recipe.

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We wish You Good Cooking and enjoy the tasty result!