Fathers smoked sausage 1.

Smoked sausage products


Fathers smoked sausage 1.


8 kg ground pork meat
2 kg ground pork butt
50 g fine black pepper
300 g Hungarian paprika powder (sweet)
100 g fresh garlic cloves (chopped)
170 g salt


1. Combine the ground meats with the other remaining ingredients.
2. Stuff into natural pig case.
3. Smoke slowly 2-3 days time.

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1. Cook the Debreziner sausage and enjoy with mustard or horseradish.
2. Cut the sausage into rings and bake it with eggs (Debreziner omelette).

More pigkilling recipes

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home Fresh sausage 3
home Fresh sausage 4
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home Fresh Hungarian sausage 2
home Garlic sausage (fokhagymás kolbász)
home Peppersausage 1.
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home Sausage with caraway (köményes kolbász)
home Dry smoked sausage #2
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