Handa sausage

Smoked sausage products


Handa sausage

A recipe of Mr. Ottó Handa (butcher for Auchan Székesfehérvár, Hungary)


10 kg (70 %) ground pork meat
180 g Hungarian paprika powder (sweet)
60 g fresh garlic cloves (chopped)
50 g fine black pepper
20 g crushed caraway seeds
220 g salt


1. Make fresh ground black pepper and caraway from seeds.
2. Combine the ground meat with the other remaining ingredients.
3. Stuff into natural pig case (diameter 28-32 mm, length 40 cm). Yield: 800 g per meter casing.
4. Leave 2-3 hours to dry.
3. Smoke slowly 24 hours time until light red color.

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Auchan is a French hypermarket in Hungary.

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