Hungarian highwayman sausage (betyár kolbász)

Fresh sausage products


Hungarian highwayman sausage (betyár kolbász)


4 kg pork meat
1 kg fresh pork fat
10 g ground black pepper
30 g garlic cloves
5 g caraway
55 g Hungarian paprika powder (sweet)
15 g Hungarian paprika powder (hot)
120 g salt


1. Grind the meat with a fine grinding plate.
2. Place meat in a large bowl.
3. Crush the garlic cloves and add to mixture.
4. Add all seasoning.
5. Knead by hand the sausage mixture.
6. Fill the mixture into clean pork casing.
7. Make about 30 cm sausages.

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Cook over a low flame, slowly to prevent the skins from bursting!

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